David Cross Photography

David Cross Photography

Karen De Mauro is the Artistic Director at The Acting Center with more than forty years of experience as an international artist-in-residence. Her highly interactive programs for schools, corporations, and national parks bring out creativity, responsiveness, and engagement in sight-specific events. She adapted and directed Chesler's "About Men" for The United Nations and facilitates performances at The Smithsonian Institution, Central Park HCA, and museums across the country. Her award-winning public speaking programs for financial and IT institutions and schools, train participants for successful live presentations. As a coach to Broadway actors, she teaches students lifelong communication skills in a creative and dynamic way.

  • Karen De Mauro and The Acting Center are committed to continue providing high-quality programs in a safe environment during this global health crisis. Given the state of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, programs will transition to a virtual platform until further notice. All programs will have a live option and semi-live option with pre-recorded supplementary materials. Facilities with significantly low transmission rates may be eligible for in-person programs.